what does it mean to be a sacred slut?

The term "sacred slut" is a concept that combines spirituality, sexuality, and personal empowerment. It is often used to describe someone who embraces their sexuality, desires, and pleasures in a way that is connected to a deeper sense of spirituality or personal growth. The term seeks to reclaim and redefine the word "slut," which has historically been used as a derogatory term to shame and judge individuals, particularly women, for their sexual behavior.

Being a "sacred slut" is about challenging societal norms and judgments around sexuality and embracing one's sexual identity without shame or guilt. It involves integrating one's sexual experiences and desires with their spiritual or personal development journey. This concept encourages individuals to view their sexuality as a natural and beautiful part of themselves and to explore it in a way that aligns with their values, consent, and personal growth.

It's important to note that the interpretation and meaning of the term can vary widely depending on individual perspectives and beliefs. Some people may find empowerment and liberation in adopting this term, while others might find it controversial or not aligned with their values. As with any concept that combines sexuality and spirituality, discussions around the term "sacred slut" often touch on topics of self-discovery, self-acceptance, body positivity, consent, and the intersection of sexuality with personal and spiritual development.

If you answer “yes” to the above description, read on, sacred sister

What’s included in sacred slut membership?

  • Monthly Online Meetings: These 60-minute sessions allow us to engage in meaningful discussions, explore monthly topics, and connect with the community from the comfort of our own space.

  • Quarterly In-Person Nights: These gatherings offer a chance to meet face-to-face, strengthen bonds, and share experiences in a supportive environment. We provide food and snacks, and members can bring alcohol if they wish. The agenda for these events will stay consistent with the way they have been held over the last year.

  • Annual Retreat: As part of your yearly membership, you’ll receive an exclusive invitation to our annual retreat, an opportunity for deep connection and personal growth that’s only open to group members.

  • Facebook Group with Resources: Our dedicated Facebook group is a hub for ongoing interaction, resource sharing, and community building for paid members only. It’s a space where you can access valuable information and support, and connect with fellow Sacred Sluts.

  • Slut Spotlight: Each month, a member is featured as the "Slut Spotlight," leading the community by sharing resources, making posts, and engaging others. This feature leverages the collective wisdom of the group, enriching everyone’s experience.

  • Hosting Opportunities: Members have the opportunity to host events on a volunteer basis.

    $300 annual one time charge OR

    $30/ auto monthly payments

what do sacred sluts discuss?

Each meeting, both online and in-person, we have a Sacred Slut Spotlight where someone enlightens our community with their knowledge and wisdom around a particular topic. Examples of past topics:

  • What does it mean to be a Sacred Slut?”

  • “Sexual Alchemy Initiation (mundane to spiritual), Vibrator exercise, Breath and Energygasm”

  • “Sacred Sex Work”

  • “Female vaginal health”

  • “Little Space”

Potential future topics (dependent upon the Sacred Slut community and who volunteers to share:

  • Defining Non-Monogamy and Spirituality:

    • Exploring different forms of non-monogamy (polyamory, open relationships, etc.).

    • How spirituality intersects with personal relationship choices.

  • Self-Awareness and Identity:

    • Reflecting on how non-monogamy affects one's sense of self.

    • Navigating multiple identities and roles in various relationships.

    • Cultivating self-love and acceptance in a non-traditional relationship structure.

  • Communication and Boundaries:

    • Developing effective communication skills for discussing needs and desires.

    • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries within multiple relationships.

    • Honoring personal boundaries while considering the needs of partners.

  • Jealousy and Insecurity:

    • Exploring the roots of jealousy and strategies to manage it.

    • Fostering self-confidence and addressing insecurities in a non-monogamous setting.

  • Spiritual Connection in Relationships:

    • How to foster spiritual connections with multiple partners.

why an annual membership.

  1. Embracing Our Power and Commitment: We formalize our commitment through a yearly membership to create a stronger, more dedicated community that reflects the values we all hold dear.

  2. Deepening the Experience: This structure allows us to provide richer, more consistent experiences, including monthly online meetings, quarterly in-person nights, and an exclusive annual retreat. 

  3. Sustaining Our Sacred Space: A yearly membership ensures the sustainability of our community, allowing us to invest in the space, time, and resources needed to maintain a safe, sacred space where each of us can thrive, free from judgment and shame.

  4. Honoring Our Collective Wisdom: By formalizing our commitment, we’re ensuring that the collective wisdom, experiences, and desires of each member continue to flourish, providing even more opportunities for personal and spiritual development.


As Sacred Sluts, we are deeply committed to maintaining a safe, sacred space where everyone can fully express themselves, explore their sexuality, and connect without fear of judgment or harm. To preserve the integrity of this community, we require that all members understand and uphold the following principles:

Privacy and Discretion:

To ensure the safety and trust of our members, privacy and discretion are paramount. By joining Sacred Sluts, you agree to:

  • Keep Information Confidential: All discussions, personal stories, and experiences shared during our meetings, retreats, and online interactions are confidential. This includes anything shared in person or within the Facebook group.

  • Maintain Anonymity: You agree not to reveal the identity or personal information of any other member outside the group unless explicitly permitted by that person.

  • No Recording or Sharing Without Consent: Photos, videos, and recordings of events or discussions are prohibited unless everyone involved has given express consent.

Safe Space Commitment:

Sacred Sluts is a space of mutual respect, personal empowerment, and spiritual exploration. We are dedicated to creating an environment where every individual feels free to be themselves, without fear of judgment, shame, or stigma. This commitment means:

  • Respecting Boundaries: Every member has the right to set and maintain their personal boundaries, and these are respected by group members.

  • Consent: All interactions, whether in person or online, must be consensual. We foster open communication, ensuring that all members feel comfortable and empowered to express their desires and limits.

  • No Judgment: We celebrate diverse expressions of sexuality and spirituality. There is no place for shaming, criticism, or any form of discrimination in this community.

Following these principles creates a sanctuary where each member can engage fully, knowing that their privacy is respected and that they are in a space of mutual trust. This is essential for fostering open, authentic conversations and personal growth.

Violation of these principles will not be tolerated, as they are essential for the wellbeing of everyone involved.

Thank you for honoring the sacredness of this space and for contributing to a community built on trust, respect, and love.

who we are

We are two sacred sisters that had a vision for a community to gather and explore the aspects of personal growth and spirituality that surface in practicing non-monogamy. We all know that practicing non-monogamy is a particular journey, filled with opportunity for learning and personal growth. Many don’t have a community in which to speak about these things that they may or may not share with their monogamous friends. Our intention is to create a safe space to explore growth in community, create structure, create connection and foster sisterhood. We are so happy to welcome you in.